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08 Feb Darius - The Hand Of Noxus - Reinaldo García
James Busby 0 18862
ArtistReinaldo GarcíaWebsiteInstagram / Artstation Scan usedAnimation Ready Body Scan / Female 03Reinaldo initiated this project with the goal of practicing facial anatomy. However, he ended up creating a full character. Reinaldo is a big fan of the League of Legends lore, with a specific interest in the Noxian area. Reinaldo made an effort to crea..
14 Jan KARABA the Sorceress - Alfred Mathieu
James Busby 0 10772
ArtistAlfred MathieuWebsiteInstagram / Artstation / FacebookScan usedAnimation Ready Body Scan / Female 03Alfred is currently working on a project featuring KARABA, the Sorceress from the movie KIRIKOU. The project serves as a demonstration for Alfred's Character Lookdev Lesson at @new3dge, where he teaches how to model and create anatomy using ZBr..
22 Mar Anatomy Study - Lukas Kutschera
James Busby 0 29398
ArtistLukas KutscheraWebsiteArtstation / InstagramScan usedUltimate Textured Male Base MeshLukas made use of our textured male base mesh as a stating point for the geometry and texture work on his fantastic anatomy studies based on bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman. Sculpted in Zbrush and rendered in Maya with Arnold. Skin colour was projected in Zbrush +..
22 Mar Mad Mouse - Nayoon Levitin
James Busby 0 10180
ArtistNayoon-LevitinproWebsiteArtstation \ Project BreakdownScan usedHD Female 3D Head Model 01This fantastic portrait was created by Nayoon as her final project for her advanced term at Think Tank Online inspired by a portrait by Lídia Vives she used a combination of ZBrush, Maya, Xgen, Mudbox, V-Ray, Mari, Marvelous Designer, Photoshop and of cou..
22 Mar Rust Cohle - BLU1304
James Busby 0 7472
ArtistBLU1304WebsiteArtstationScan usedRetopologised Head Scan 36BLU1304's take on Rust Cohle from true detective the skin Details were created by hand without any scans, however she used a reworked albedo texture from one of our retopologised Male Head scans. he was sculpted using ZBrush and textured with Substance Painter. Grooming was done with ..
22 Mar Billie Eilish - BLU1304
James Busby 0 26644
ArtistBLU1304WebsiteArtstationScan usedRetopologised Head Scan 12Inspired by Billie Eilish's Music Video "you should see me in a crown" BLU1304 created this amazing likeness during one of Kris Costas classes. The skin pores details were created manually in Zbrush and the albedo maps were derived from one of our retopologised head scans. The lightin..
02 Aug Crescent - Niyazi Selimoğlu Collab
James Busby 157 44874
Introduction Once again I had the opportunity work work on a cool render with Niyazi Selimoğlu. This time I decided to try and do something a little bit more interesting that simply rendering a head. I took his amazing Crescent sculpt and projected on of our HD male head scans onto his sculpt. Then using the same techniques as described in m..
29 Jul Texturing workflow time lapse
James Busby 9 17784
Introduction I had another chance to work with the awesome Niyazi Selimoğlu this time texturing one of his female head sculpts. You can see the original sculpt on his Instagram here  I used our tried and tested method of projecting one of our HD head scans onto his mesh and then rendering it in Marmoset Toolbag if you want to know more about..
25 Jun Texturing Panthro Using Scans
James Busby 10 10230
Introduction A very quick time-lapse video to show the process of texturing and rendering Panthro using scan store assets.  The Panthro model was very kindly provided by Niyazi Selimoğlu. Niyazi Selimoğlu's Artstation :: Niyazi Selimoğlu's Instagram :: Free head scan used f..
15 Jun Detailing And Texturing Your Sculpt Using Scan Data
James Busby 18 169303
Introduction A quick 20 minute video to show you how to use our 3d scan store scans to quickly texture a head sculpt and apply the corresponding high resolution skin pore details. Software used Wrap 3 and Zbrush. Scan used in this video :: Scan details and text..
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 (1 Pages)