ArtistJames BusbyWebsiteArtstation / Instagram / Facebook Scan usedMetahuman Identity's IntroductionIn this video I want to show you how to use our new ultra high res metahuman identity packs to supercharge your metahumans in Unreal Engine 5. Quickstart GuideQuick start guide those of you who are already familiar Unreal Engine and the mesh to meta..
ArtistJoe ZhengWebsiteArtstation Scan usedMale HD Head Scan 01Joe has created a stunning tribute to one of his favourite movie characters using Unreal 5. With an eye for detail and a passion for digital art, Joe crafted a meta-human with intricate shaders that bring the character to life, capturing the essence of the original movie character. Joe's..
We are proud to announce the release of our new and totally free multi expression base mesh. The aim of this product is to give you the ability to quickly and easily add scan based expressions to your head sculpts. All of the expressions used in the pack have been captured using our photogrammetry rig and then transferred to o..
I had another chance to work with the awesome Niyazi Selimoğlu this time texturing one of his female head sculpts. You can see the original sculpt on his Instagram here I used our tried and tested method of projecting one of our HD head scans onto his mesh and then rendering it in Marmoset Toolbag if you want to know more about..
Some renders of our new Male 5 Anatomy reference pack just added to the store. These renders are using the decimated 750k obj models with a colour map and a quick dirty high pass spec map.
Male 05 Anatomy Reference Pack and individual scans are all available here :: https://www.3dscanstore.com/anatomy-reference-models/male-05
Morphing a gorilla
I decided to have a bit of fun with our new Gorilla ecorche model. Using Wrap 3 I retopologised the gorilla body mesh with our textured male base mesh transferring over not just the human body shape but also the texture. I was then able to create a morph target in Zbrush and export a verity of hybrid models.
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