ArtistJoe ZhengWebsiteArtstation Scan usedMale HD Head Scan 01Joe has created a stunning tribute to one of his favourite movie characters using Unreal 5. With an eye for detail and a passion for digital art, Joe crafted a meta-human with intricate shaders that bring the character to life, capturing the essence of the original movie character. Joe's..
ArtistReinaldo GarcíaWebsiteInstagram / Artstation Scan usedAnimation Ready Body Scan / Female 03Reinaldo initiated this project with the goal of practicing facial anatomy. However, he ended up creating a full character. Reinaldo is a big fan of the League of Legends lore, with a specific interest in the Noxian area. Reinaldo made an effort to crea..
ArtistAlfred MathieuWebsiteInstagram / Artstation / FacebookScan usedAnimation Ready Body Scan / Female 03Alfred is currently working on a project featuring KARABA, the Sorceress from the movie KIRIKOU. The project serves as a demonstration for Alfred's Character Lookdev Lesson at @new3dge, where he teaches how to model and create anatomy using ZBr..
ArtistJay HowseWebsiteArtstationScan usedFree Base mesh / HD Male 06Jay started this one while stuck indoors with Covid he had been watching some episodes of the brilliant (and often incomprehensible) cult '60s series The Prisoner. (it felt quite apt at the time) He decided to model the titular character, played by Patrick McGoohan. He started wit..
ArtistLukas KutscheraWebsiteArtstation / InstagramScan usedUltimate Textured Male Base MeshLukas made use of our textured male base mesh as a stating point for the geometry and texture work on his fantastic anatomy studies based on bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman. Sculpted in Zbrush and rendered in Maya with Arnold. Skin colour was projected in Zbrush +..
ArtistNayoon-LevitinproWebsiteArtstation \ Project BreakdownScan usedHD Female 3D Head Model 01This fantastic portrait was created by Nayoon as her final project for her advanced term at Think Tank Online inspired by a portrait by Lídia Vives she used a combination of ZBrush, Maya, Xgen, Mudbox, V-Ray, Mari, Marvelous Designer, Photoshop and of cou..
ArtistBLU1304WebsiteArtstationScan usedRetopologised Head Scan 36BLU1304's take on Rust Cohle from true detective the skin Details were created by hand without any scans, however she used a reworked albedo texture from one of our retopologised Male Head scans. he was sculpted using ZBrush and textured with Substance Painter. Grooming was done with ..
ArtistBLU1304WebsiteArtstationScan usedRetopologised Head Scan 12Inspired by Billie Eilish's Music Video "you should see me in a crown" BLU1304 created this amazing likeness during one of Kris Costas classes. The skin pores details were created manually in Zbrush and the albedo maps were derived from one of our retopologised head scans. The lightin..
ArtistJames BusbyWebsiteArtstation / Instagram / Facebook Scan usedHD Male 3D Head Model 38For as as long as I can remember Ryan Kingsliens Demo head has been part of Zbrush, every time I open it up its there staring at me, however I've never used it for anything so I figured it was time to give it a bit of a makeover. I wanted to see what it woul..
We are happy to announce the release of our latest morphable male and female base mesh models. These scan based morphable body assets will allow you to morph between underweight, average and overweight. This is a great way to begin building a character, simply select the adjust the layer sliders to the size / weight you want..
We are proud to announce the release of our new and totally free multi expression base mesh. The aim of this product is to give you the ability to quickly and easily add scan based expressions to your head sculpts. All of the expressions used in the pack have been captured using our photogrammetry rig and then transferred to o..
In this tutorial I want to show you how to use our new HD Displacement maps. First I want to give you a little bit of information about the maps themselves. They have been extracted from our HD head scans as 16bit displacements, we had to use a combination of Zbursh and Xnormal to do this as Zbrush's default displacement expor..
Once again I had the opportunity work work on a cool render with Niyazi Selimoğlu. This time I decided to try and do something a little bit more interesting that simply rendering a head. I took his amazing Crescent sculpt and projected on of our HD male head scans onto his sculpt. Then using the same techniques as described in m..
I had another chance to work with the awesome Niyazi Selimoğlu this time texturing one of his female head sculpts. You can see the original sculpt on his Instagram here I used our tried and tested method of projecting one of our HD head scans onto his mesh and then rendering it in Marmoset Toolbag if you want to know more about..
In this tutorial I'm going to show you a very quick and fairly simple way of texturing full body sculpts or models using 3D ScanStore animation ready full body scans. This process allows you to transfer details from our scans onto your sculpt by using a combination of Wrap 3 and Zbrush resulting in a fully texture mapped mode..
Brad Myers has kindly written this guest post, sharing the workflow that he used to create an amazing Michael Clark Duncan likeness. Over to you Brad!
Hey everyone, I wanted to share at a high level the workflow I used to create my Michael Clark Duncan likeness piece. This began as a study to improve my ability to make reali..
In this tutorial I'm going to show you a quick and easy way to add clothing to your characters using our high resolution 3d scanned clothing assets. In a nutshell Im using the Zbrush sculpting tools to push and pull the geometry around to match the underlying body shape. All of our clothing assets have been retopologised which ..
In this video I'm going to show you start to finish how to render a character head using Marmoset Toolbag 4. This video will cover everything you need to know including Zbrush export, lighting setup, shader setup, Spec and roughness maps and eye shading and texture setup. Im using a head kindly donated by my good friend Erick Sosa..
A quick 20 minute video to show you how to use our 3d scan store scans to quickly texture a head sculpt and apply the corresponding high resolution skin pore details. Software used Wrap 3 and Zbrush.
Scan used in this video :: https://www.3dscanstore.com/3d-head-models/hd-head-models/hd-male-head-model-01
Scan details and text..
Texture Transfer For Production
Nirmalendu Paul Freelancer & Former Lead Character Artist at Bandai Namco has create an excellent tutorial showing how he has transferred the texture and details from our free head scan onto his fantastic Willem Dafoe Head sculpt using Zbrush and Zwrap. The final renders are created using Marmoset Toolbag.
We are extremely happy to announce the release of our updated male and female base meshes. These represent a significant upgrade from the previous models available on the store and feature a fully quadded mesh with no triangles, perfect for sculpting, wrapping and rendering. Both male and female meshes are available either ..
Male And Female Ecorche Update
By James Busby
We're pleased to announce the release of our second generation male and female ecorche models. We have updated the models from the previous version with new more accurate muscle groups and intersections as well as poly painted ZTL files. We have also included new sculptable single mesh models w..
2 Minute Tutorial - Head Retopology for cleanup
By James Busby
When it comes to cleaning up scan data you should always start with the best geometry you can. Working from RAW triangulated meshes can and will result in messy cleanup jobs with unwanted artefacts and floating geometry. In this video Im going to show you how to very quickly and v..
2 Minute Tutorial - Easy Hair Removal
By James Busby
In this video we are going to show you how to very quickly and very easily remove unwanted noisy hair from body scans. It can be difficult to remove it without destroying the underlying form and for this very reason we see a lot of overly smooth scans. This mask based Zbrush technique allow..
Scan to Render Workflow Time-lapse
By James Busby
The video below represents around 11 hours of work compressed into a 10-minute video. As you can see the scan we used in this video was very noisy. As I'm sure a lot of you know by now Photogrammetry works by picking up surface details on an object and comparing corresponding points on multipl..
ARTURO by Alessandro Bavari
Award winning artist Alessandro Bavari directed and animated ARTURO using a combination of Softimage XSI, Vray, Zbrush, Photoshop and after effects. A hypnotic and nightmarish masterpiece that depicts a tortured sole trapped in a cycle of endless emotional turmoil.
Artist Website : http://www.alessandrobavari.co..
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