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21 Dec Free Metahuman Identity
James Busby 0 107227
07 Sep Level up your Metahumans
James Busby 0 68022
ArtistJames BusbyWebsiteArtstation / Instagram / Facebook Scan usedMetahuman Identity's IntroductionIn this video I want to show you how to use our new ultra high res metahuman identity packs to supercharge your metahumans in Unreal Engine 5. Quickstart GuideQuick start guide those of you who are already familiar Unreal Engine and the mesh to meta..
09 Feb Ironman Fan Art - Joe Zheng
James Busby 0 166396
ArtistJoe ZhengWebsiteArtstation Scan usedMale HD Head Scan 01Joe has created a stunning tribute to one of his favourite movie characters using Unreal 5. With an eye for detail and a passion for digital art, Joe crafted a meta-human with intricate shaders that bring the character to life, capturing the essence of the original movie character. Joe's..
14 Oct Unreal Engine Scan Demo
andy 0 13042
Unreal Engine Scan Demo   This was a quick tech demo that we created to test out our Military scan bundles in Unreal Engine 4.13.1. The scans were converted in Modo to FBX and imported directly into Unreal with 8k texture maps (reduced from 16k) The environment is the amazing Conifer forest collection available on the Unreal market place   Unre..
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)