This was the result of a rendering case study I created using one of our latest HD head scans. The model was posed by wrapping the lowest subdivision of the HD head scan ZTL to one of the same models full body scans. I then added some clothing from another scanning project and rendered it all in Marmoset Toolbag 4. Lighting was a..
A collaboration project I did with Burjis Shroff! He very kindly let me use his fantastic vampire sculpt. I textured him up using one of of our Scan Store HD head scans. As always I simply projected the scan onto the sculpt and used all the maps with the nice skin details to render in Marmoset. With this one I did a little bit of..
Once again I had the opportunity work work on a cool render with Niyazi Selimoğlu. This time I decided to try and do something a little bit more interesting that simply rendering a head. I took his amazing Crescent sculpt and projected on of our HD male head scans onto his sculpt. Then using the same techniques as described in m..
I had another chance to work with the awesome Niyazi Selimoğlu this time texturing one of his female head sculpts. You can see the original sculpt on his Instagram here I used our tried and tested method of projecting one of our HD head scans onto his mesh and then rendering it in Marmoset Toolbag if you want to know more about..
In this tutorial I'm going to show you a quick and easy way to add clothing to your characters using our high resolution 3d scanned clothing assets. In a nutshell Im using the Zbrush sculpting tools to push and pull the geometry around to match the underlying body shape. All of our clothing assets have been retopologised which ..
Some renders of our new Male 5 Anatomy reference pack just added to the store. These renders are using the decimated 750k obj models with a colour map and a quick dirty high pass spec map.
Male 05 Anatomy Reference Pack and individual scans are all available here :: https://www.3dscanstore.com/anatomy-reference-models/male-05
A short video outlining the advantages of using a consistent base mesh for all your head sculpts. looking in particular at our Scan store base and how it can be used with multiple texture maps to very quickly and easily texture your sculpts using photographic textures captured with our photogrammetry rig.
Download free base mesh..
3D Scanning Cars With Photogrammetry
Scanning cars with photogrammetry is perhaps one of the trickiest things we do here at Ten24, reflective surfaces, glass, etc can make for a very difficult subject, throw colour capture into the mix and things start to get complicated. We're not going to reveal any details about how we do it just yet but ..
3D Scanning Reflective Objects With Photogrammetry
By James Busby
One question I see rising time and time again is “how do I scan shiny or reflective objects with photogrammetry” The answer is, you can't, it's impossible to scan a / transparent / reflective or very shiny objects using photogrammetry without some kind of surface preparation o..
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