ArtistJames BusbyWebsiteArtstation / Instagram / Facebook Scan usedFemale HD Head Scan / Male Jacket 01 / Space Buns XGen HairIn this comprehensive 30-minute tutorial, we will explore the process of assembling this captivating cyberpunk scene utilizing high-quality 3D scans sourced from the 3D Scans Store. The scene was put together using Marmoset ..
We are proud to announce the release of our new and totally free multi expression base mesh. The aim of this product is to give you the ability to quickly and easily add scan based expressions to your head sculpts. All of the expressions used in the pack have been captured using our photogrammetry rig and then transferred to o..
Once again I had the opportunity work work on a cool render with Niyazi Selimoğlu. This time I decided to try and do something a little bit more interesting that simply rendering a head. I took his amazing Crescent sculpt and projected on of our HD male head scans onto his sculpt. Then using the same techniques as described in m..
I had another chance to work with the awesome Niyazi Selimoğlu this time texturing one of his female head sculpts. You can see the original sculpt on his Instagram here I used our tried and tested method of projecting one of our HD head scans onto his mesh and then rendering it in Marmoset Toolbag if you want to know more about..
In this tutorial I'm going to show you a very quick and fairly simple way of texturing full body sculpts or models using 3D ScanStore animation ready full body scans. This process allows you to transfer details from our scans onto your sculpt by using a combination of Wrap 3 and Zbrush resulting in a fully texture mapped mode..
In this tutorial I'm going to show you a quick and easy way to add clothing to your characters using our high resolution 3d scanned clothing assets. In a nutshell Im using the Zbrush sculpting tools to push and pull the geometry around to match the underlying body shape. All of our clothing assets have been retopologised which ..
Free to download male, female and super average base meshes
We're giving away a set of 3 head base meshes, these base heads use the same topology as all of our retopologised and HD head scans and as such are compatible with all of the textures, normal maps and Zbrush models. One big advantage of this is that if you use one of these meshes as ..
Texture Transfer For Production
Nirmalendu Paul Freelancer & Former Lead Character Artist at Bandai Namco has create an excellent tutorial showing how he has transferred the texture and details from our free head scan onto his fantastic Willem Dafoe Head sculpt using Zbrush and Zwrap. The final renders are created using Marmoset Toolbag.
In this tutorial I want to show you how to use our textured base meshes to quickly and easily texture any full body model using a combination of Zbrush and Wrap3. For this example I am using another 3D scan from our Classical female body pack however this technique will apply just as easily to any character sculpt or model cre..
In this tutorial we are going to look at how to setup a fairly simple skin shader using a 3d scan from our store. For the purposes of this article I’m only going to be focusing on the skin and completely ignoring things like the eyes and hair. I’m going to make this a 2-part tutorial so this will show you the basics of how to setu..
Hulkify A 3D Scan
By James Busby
A very quick and easy way to create an exaggerated anatomy hulk like character using a 3D scan. In this video, we only use Inflate, move and dam standard tools in Zbrush.
This was a super quick and dirty test that took about 10 minutes, I'm sure you guys can do a lot better than me. If you do anything ..
2 Minute Tutorial - Head Retopology for cleanup
By James Busby
When it comes to cleaning up scan data you should always start with the best geometry you can. Working from RAW triangulated meshes can and will result in messy cleanup jobs with unwanted artefacts and floating geometry. In this video Im going to show you how to very quickly and v..
3D Scanning Reflective Objects With Photogrammetry
By James Busby
One question I see rising time and time again is “how do I scan shiny or reflective objects with photogrammetry” The answer is, you can't, it's impossible to scan a / transparent / reflective or very shiny objects using photogrammetry without some kind of surface preparation o..
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 (1 Pages)