ArtistJoe ZhengWebsiteArtstation Scan usedMale HD Head Scan 01Joe has created a stunning tribute to one of his favourite movie characters using Unreal 5. With an eye for detail and a passion for digital art, Joe crafted a meta-human with intricate shaders that bring the character to life, capturing the essence of the original movie character. Joe's..
ArtistReinaldo GarcíaWebsiteInstagram / Artstation Scan usedAnimation Ready Body Scan / Female 03Reinaldo initiated this project with the goal of practicing facial anatomy. However, he ended up creating a full character. Reinaldo is a big fan of the League of Legends lore, with a specific interest in the Noxian area. Reinaldo made an effort to crea..
ArtistAlfred MathieuWebsiteInstagram / Artstation / FacebookScan usedAnimation Ready Body Scan / Female 03Alfred is currently working on a project featuring KARABA, the Sorceress from the movie KIRIKOU. The project serves as a demonstration for Alfred's Character Lookdev Lesson at @new3dge, where he teaches how to model and create anatomy using ZBr..
Try it out for yourself -- Free Head Scan available here
My name is Lee Griggs and I am a technical author at Solid Angle. My job mostly entails testing, documenting and creating tutorials for the Arnold plugins in Maya, 3ds Max, Softimage, Cinema 4D, Houdini and Katana. All of the images here were rendered in camera with..
Female Écorché Reference Images
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3D model available here
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