Ultimate Male Hands Pack
By James Busby
We're pleased to announce the release of our new ultimate male hands pack, featuring 11 x retopologised male hands. Each hand has been remeshed using Wrap 3's new optical flow feature allowing seamless blending between both textures and meshes. The above video shows the included fist sequence rendered in Modo, blending seamlessly between geometry, diffuse, normal, and spec maps with no texture slippage or ghosting.
Data Set Includes
Modo Renders
Renders below created with Modo (scene file included)
Scan Sequences
This fist sequence includes 5 x retopologised optical flow wrapped hands and the wrist extension sequence features 4 scans with the wrist extended to its extremes forward, back left and right.
Cleaned Detailed Models
Each of the scans has been meticulously cleaned and detailed using a combination of Zbrush, Body Paint, Photoshop and Wrap 3.
Hand To Bicep Capture
Every hand is scanned down to the top of the bicep allowing for easier integration into your models, applications and VR experiences.
Each hand scan includes corresponding colour, displacement, specular and normal maps.
Realtime Ready
As well as the high-resolution ZTL files we have also included OBJ and FBX exports at the lowest subdivision level. When combined with the normal and spec maps the models integrate perfectly into real-time applications such as Marmoset toolbag shown below.
Optical Flow Wrapping
The hands in the first sequence have been topology wrapped using the new Wrap 3 optical flow node. What this means is that every pixel on the texture is tracked rather than a set of user-defined points, this results in pixel perfect texture blending between scans. Standard wrapping and tracking markers can result in ghosting as one texture blends into another on a slightly different position on the UV map. The video below shows distortion free blending in action.
Wrap 3 optical flow
Included Models
Bonus Modo Render Scene
We have included the Modo scene used to render the demo video at the top of the page. The scene requires Modo 10.2 v4 or above and comes with the full morph setup and animation as well as all the supporting maps and HDR lighting image.
3 Comment(s)
Is the topology suitable for rigging?
Can I have some photo data collected? I would pay some fees.
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