Male And Female Ecorche Update
By James Busby
We're pleased to announce the release of our second generation male and female ecorche models. We have updated the models from the previous version with new more accurate muscle groups and intersections as well as poly painted ZTL files. We have also included new sculptable single mesh models which can easily be used to sculpt your own anatomically correct human figures from using the underlying musculature as reference.
Data Set Includes
Female Ecorche
Male Ecorche
Sculptable Meshes
As well as Ztools with individual subtool muscle layers, we have included a Zremehsed single object watertight sculptable ecorche for both the male and female models. This makes it easy to use the model as a base for sculpting or as a quick and easy reference model.
Zbrush Models
The high-resolution ZTL files contain individual subtools for each muscle group so you can easily strip away muscles and bones.
Decimated Objects
Each pack includes reduced polygon decimated OBJ and FBX files for the body, Skeleton and Muscles making it quite and easy to load them into your favourite 3d modelling package.
3 Comment(s)
good evening
What is the value of the images?
Sorry Leopoldo, I don't understand the question?
Is there any video out there explaining how to explore all the different layers of the organs and muscle in the Ecorche within ZBrush? As an example, I open the male ztl and in select split screen as well, but the results of the internal parts display as a black mess and there are no separate Polygroups to select and isolate the parts like the images above show. How do I get the view like the images above. Maybe a simple video or Readme file would do! Currently I feel I got taken for over $200, since I can only see the skinned characters and need this ztl for muscle reference.
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