We are extremely happy to announce the release of our updated male and female base meshes. These represent a significant upgrade from the previous models available on the store and feature a fully quadded mesh with no triangles, perfect for sculpting, wrapping and rendering. Both male and female meshes are available either individually or as a bundle both with A and T poses in OBJ, FBX and ZTL format. Zbrush files include a 5 subdivision mesh with posable symmetry.
Data Sets include
- Zbrush tool with 6 Subdivisions
- Lowest Sub Division 32976 Polygons
- Unwrapped UV maps
- Eyes and Mouth included
- OBJ Subdivision 1 Export
- FBX Subdivision 1 Export
- OBJ Decimated Subivision 6 models

Relaxed Base Mesh
Both the male and the female base meshes are based on scan data which we have symmetrised and sculpted to create a realistic and easy to use base from which to work.
The Zbrush tools have been constructed with sculpting and projection work in mind with poly-groups that include individual fingers toes arms Jaw and ears.
Zero Triangle mesh
There are absolutely no triangles in our base meshes, everything is 100% quadded topology (excludes eyes and teeth)
A and T Pose
Both male and female poses come with A and T Poses created using the same mesh and morphed into place using a combination of wrap 3 and specifically captured scans for realistic muscle deformation.
Male Genitals Removed Version
We have created a male version of both the A and T pose with deleted geintals for easier sculpting and clothes fitting
Clean upwrapped UV map
Each mesh is unwrapped to make maximum use of the UV space with minimal distortion
Eyes And Teeth
For ease of use we have included eyes, inner mouth, tongue and teeth models for both the male and female base meshes
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So good!
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